Medical Officer (Ayurveda) Questions and Answer Key

Question Code: 029/2024
Medium of Question- English
Name of Post: Medical Officer (Ayurveda)
Department: Indian Systems of Medicine
Cat. Number: 125/2023
Date of Test : 27.02.2024

1. Which of the following philosophy (Darshana) also known as Tatwasamkhata as well as Tatwaganaka?
(A) Sankhaya Darshana of Kapila
(B) Vaiseshika Darshana of Kanada
(C) Nyaya Darshana of Gautam
(D) Yoga Darshana of Patanjali

2. Which of the following Gunas includes under the additionally added 07 numbers of Gunas by Prashastapada the commentator of Vaiseshika Darshana of Kanada to make the number of Gunas 24 as per school of Vaiseshika Darshana?
(A) Rupa
(B) Samjyoga
(C) Adrishta
(D) Paratwa

3. Which of the following scholar considered as oldest preceptor of Yoga Darshana in comparison to Patanjali of Yoga Darshana?
(A) Yangyabalka
(B) Hiranyagarbha
(C) Shivaditya
(D) Ishwarakrishna

4. In the opinion Sankhaya Darshana which of the following is a correct statement :
(A) Tanmatras Rupa are the Avisesha in the stage of Mahabhutas
(B) Gunas (qualities) are remains as Avyakta-awastha (non-manifested) in the stage of Mahabhutas.
(C) Tanmatras Rupa are the Visesha in the stage of Bhutas
(D) Gunas (qualities) are remains as non-manifested (Avyakta-awastha) in the stage of Bhutas

5. In the opinion of which following commentaries of Sushruta Samhita Bijactustayah has been described as Caturavayavah :
(A) Bhanumati of Cakrapani
(B) Nibanddhasamgrah of Dalhana
(C) Sushrtartha-Sandipan of Haranchandra
(D) Nyayachandrika of Gayadash

6. In which of the following group of chapters the chapter name as Swasthavritta Addhyayam has been described in Sushruta Samhita?
(A) Tantrabhushanaddhyayas
(B) KriyakalpoupkramaAddhyas
(C) Prabhashaniya addhyayopkrama
(D) Hitahitiyaddhyayopkrama

7. In which of the following principle considered to be comparatively better dietic principles for management for Atisthaulya?
(A) Laghu Santaropan
(B) Guru aptarpan
(C) Vataghna Shlesma-Medohara
(D) Satatam Santarpanam
Question Cancelled

8. According to Charaka kalanthara vipakitva is the quality of :
(A) Gara visha
(B) Dushi visha
(C) Jangama visha
(D) Sthavara visha

9. Tankana is the prathyoushadhi for :
(A) Karaskara
(B) Valsanabha
(C) Bhallathaka
(D) Chitraka

10. Swastheekarothi Anjana pana nasyei is by :
(A) Dushi vishari gulika
(B) Dasangam agadam
(C) Vilwadi gulika
(D) Lodradi yoga

11. A drug that induces and/or maintains sleep, similar to normal arousable sleep :
(A) Sedative
(B) tranquilizer
(C) Anesthetic
(D) Hypnotic

12. Drugs believe to increase bronchial secretion or reduce its viscosity, facilitates its removal by coughing :
(A) Demulcents
(B) Expectorant
(C) Bronchodilators
(D) All of the above

13. Soothing Medicaments act by reveling pain in the stomach and intestine and Expel gas from GI tract by Peristalsis :
(A) Digestants
(B) Antacids
(C) Carminative
(D) Antiemetic

14. Pyridoxine is Vitamin :
(A) B2
(B) B3
(C) B12
(D) B6

15. Quinine is :
(A) Antimalarial
(B) Amoebicidal
(C) Antimicrobial
(D) Antifungal

16. Semple Vaccine is given as :
(A) Anti venom
(B) Anti Filarial
(C) Anti rabies
(D) Polio myelitis vaccine

17. Coroner Court is a court of :
(A) Enquiry
(B) Trial
(C) Investigation
(D) All of the above
Question Cancelled

18. The following Gana drayas are contra indicated during Rasoushadhi Sevena kala :
(A) Kakaradi Gana Dravyas
(B) Kshar Gana Dravyas
(C) Lavana Varga Dravyas
(D) All of the above

19. According to sharanghadhara the quantity of guggulu in Yogaraj Guggulu formulation is :
(A) 20 Parts
(B) 40 Parts
(C) 60 Parts
(D) 80 Parts
Question Cancelled

20. According to sharanghadhara types of Pratisarana (Manjana) are :
(A) Kalka, Avalehya, Churna
(B) Swarasa, Jala, Gomutra
(C) Kanji, Dhanyasava, Sura
(D) None of the above

21. According Sharanghadhara the length of Anjana Shalaka is :
(A) 2 angula
(B) 4 angula
(C) 8 angula
(D) 10 angula

22. According to Sushruta the synonyms of Madhutailika basti :
(A) Yapana basti
(B) Siddha basti
(C) Yukta Ratha basti
(D) All of the above

23. According to sharanghadhara during the preparation of Paanadikalpana the proportion of drug and water is :
(A) 1 Pala of crushed drug is boiled with 64 Palas of water and reduced to half (1/2 ) quantity
(B) 1 Pala of crushed drug is boiled with 64 Palas of water and reduced to one eighth (1/8th) quantity
(C) 1 Pala of crushed drug is boiled with 8 Palas of water and reduced to one fourth (1/4th) quantity
(D) 1 Pala of crushed drug is boiled with 16 Palas of water and reduced to half (1/2) quantity

24. According to Vaidyak Paribhasa Pradeepa, the collection of animal origin products like Nakha (nail) Roma (Hair) should be collected :
(A) From Adult Animals
(B) From Young Animals
(C) After digestion of food
(D) Before food
Question Cancelled

25. According to Bhaishajya Ratnavali in Urdwajatrugata Vikara (Diseases of Head Neck) the avalehya should be given :
(A) Early morning
(B) Before food
(C) After food
(D) Evening time

26. According to Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya the quantity of Katuki churna in Arogyavardhini Vati is :
(A) Sarvasama (equal) to all other ingredients
(B) Ardhabhaga (half) to all other ingredients
(C) Dwibhagha (Double quantity) to all ingredients
(D) All of the above

27. Bahya Kalpana Chikitsa included in :
(A) Antarparimarjana Chikitsa
(B) Bahirparimarjana Chikitsa
(C) Shastra Pranidana Chikitsa
(D) All of the above

28. Hetu Chatustaya of Rajayakshma :
(A) Vegavarodha Kshaya Sahasa Vishamashana
(B) Diwaswapna Vegavarodha Gramyadhrama Avyayama
(C) Ratrijagarana Vishamashana Atichankramana Sahasa
(D) Asyasukha Kshaya Vegavarodha Diwaswapna

29. Kasa bheda :
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 11
(D) 7

30. Lohitagandha Nishwasa is Poorvarupa of :
(A) Swarabheda
(B) Krimija Hrudroga
(C) Rajayakshma
(D) Raktapitta

31. Prabhuta avila mutrata is samanyalakshana of :
(A) Mutakruchra
(B) Ashmari
(C) Prameha
(D) Jwara

32. HbA1c test is done in diagnosing :
(A) Anaemia
(B) Diabetes
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above

33. Inverted T wave in ECG indicates :
(A) Left ventricular hypertrophy
(B) Digoxin effect
(C) Coronary ischemia
(D) All of the above

34. Adhogha raktapitta is :
(A) Sadhya
(B) Asadhya
(C) Yapya
(D) None of the above

35. Vatapurna druti Sparsha of joints is lakshana in :
(A) Amavat
(B) Sandhigatavata
(C) Vatarakta
(D) None of the above

36. Kapala kusta is –––––––––– dosha pradhana.
(A) Pitta
(B) Kapha
(C) Vata
(D) Tridosha
Question Cancelled

37. Dengue fever is –––––––––– borne infection.
(A) water
(B) mosquito
(C) food
(D) none of the above

38. Ama Pravruthi in Urdhwabhaga and Adhobaga is referred as :
(A) Alasaka
(B) Dandalasaka
(C) Amadosha
(D) Vishuchika

39. Divaabalam is one of the lakshana of :
(A) Pittaja shotha
(B) Vataja shotha
(C) Kaphaja shotha
(D) Both (A) and (B)

40. According to Sushruthacharya Navayasa loha is mentioned in —————— context.
(A) Prameha Chikitsa
(B) Pandu Chikitsa
(C) Gulma Chikitsa
(D) Prameha Pidaka Chikitsa

41. “Kanaka Ksheeri Taila” – Rogadhikara according to Charaka Acharya :
(A) Shwitra
(B) Arshas
(C) Gulma
(D) Kushta

42. Tar Janam Trasanam Danam Harshanam Santranam Bhayam is the chikitsa for :
(A) Apasmara
(B) Unmada
(C) Atatrabinivashana
(D) Hikka

43. Sarpiguda rogadhikara according to Chakarasamhita :
(A) Shotha
(B) Gulma
(C) Kstha Kshneena
(D) All of the above

44. Lohaama Gandhi Tiktamlaudgara is the feature of :
(A) Raktha pitta
(B) Ajeerna
(C) Pandu
(D) Grahani

45. In Unmada Chikitsa according to Charaka —————— is mentioned.
(A) Siddartakadi Kwatha
(B) Siddartakadi Ghrita
(C) Siddartakadi Snana     
(D) None of the above
Question Cancelled

46. In Jwara Chikitsa of Vishama Jwara by Charaka —————— is stated.
(A) Rudra Pooja
(B) Vishnu Sahasranama
(C) None of the above
(D) Both (A) and (B)

47. Number of types of Udavartha according to Sushrutha charya :
(A) 1
(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) none of the above
Question Cancelled

48. Balot Kshayastandra Mandagnitram mr hsaha udu Jwaram is a feature of :
(A) Pandu
(B) Kamala
(C) Kumbakamala
(D) Halimaka

49. Indication for upavasa type of Langhana :
(A) Madhyama bala Roga, Vamyadivyadhi (då`m{X ì`m{Y)
(B) Avara bala Roga Vamyadivyadhi
(C) Maha bala Roga Vamyadivyadhi
(D) None of the above

50. Following is Manasa roga Samanya Chikitsa :
(A) Dhee Dhairya Smruti
(B) Jnana VigJnana Dhee Dhairya Smruti
(C) Jnana VigJnana Smruti Samadhi
(D) None of these

51. Not a type of Hikka according to Charakacharya :
(A) Maha hikka
(B) Vyapeta hikka
(C) Gambira hikka
(D) Yamala hikka

52. Paithike Sakaphe kase —————— Sarpisham :
(A) Vamana
(B) Viruchana hitam
(C) Snehanam
(D) Anvasanam

53. In Ashtanga Hridayam Medhya rasayana-Sankhupushpi is used in the form of:
(A) Kashaya prepared with root and flower
(B) Choornam prepared with root and leaf
(C) Kalkam prepared with root and flower
(D) Swarasam prepared with root and leaf

54. Anupana of ‘Chithraka rasayanam’ in ‘Kushta rogam’ is:
(A) Thailam
(B) Ksheeram
(C) Gomuthram
(D) Dhanyamlam

55. ‘Jeerno api gachathi pramada satham’ which vajeekarana yoga is this:
(A) Shwadamshtradi yogam
(B) Swayamgupthadi yogam
(C) Payasya vajeekarana yogam
(D) Godhoomadi vajeekarana yogam

56. Match the following with respect to rasayanaprayogam according to Ashtanga Hrudayam:
(1) Bhallathakarasayanam   (a) Mudgayoosham
(2) Krishnathiia rasayanam (b) Padhyanushtanam for ‘thrigunithamkalam’
(3) Thuvaraka thailam         (c) Greeshmacharya
(4) Lasunaràsayanam           (d) Seetha Udakam
(A) 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c
(B) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c
(C) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
(D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d

57. Factor which is not causing ‘prasravana’ of Sukra according to Charaka is:
(A) Laghuthwam
(B) Gurutwam
(C) Paichilyam
(D) Sarathwam

58. Vardhamana pippali rasayanam is indicated in which disease:
(A) Galarogam
(B) Pandu
(C) Pleeha rogam
(D) All of these

59. Rasayanoushadha according to Sarngadhara is:
(A) Amruth
(B) Gulgulu
(C) Abhaya
(D) All of these

60. How fast analysis of semen should be done after collection?
(A) Within fifteen minutes
(B) Within three hour
(C) Within one hour
(D) Within the next 24 hours
Question Cancelled

61. Mention the common kalka used for preparing niroohavasti dravya:
(A) Sathahwa kalka
(B) Sathahwadi kalka
(C) Yavanyadi kalka
(D) Erandamooladi kalka

62. According to Ashtanga hridaya, What should be time gap between “vamana and virechana”, “virechana and niroohavasti” respectively?
(A) Paksham, saptadinam
(B) Masam, paksham
(C) Paksham, paksham
(D) Paksham, masam

63. According to Ashtanga hridaya, nasya using Khapura comes under which type of nasya:
(A) Virechana
(B) Brimhana
(C) Samana
(D) Avapeedaka

64. In rasasamsarjanakrama, which combination of rasa should be given, after giving a combination of Amla and lavana rasa ahara?
(A) Kadu, kashaya
(B) Tiktha, swadu
(C) Lavana, swadu
(D) Swadu amla

65. According to charaka, which of the following virechana oushadha is Anapaayi (free from complications)?
(A) Pragraha
(B) Lodra
(C) Koodarana
(D) Tikthala

66. Varshanika is an instruments used for performing which of the following karma?
(A) Avagaham
(B) Parishekam
(C) Ksheeradhoomam
(D) Sirovasti

67. Which of the following is not a vamanopaga dravya?
(A) Madhu
(B) Nimba
(C) Bimbi
(D) Neepa

68. Find out the correct statement:
(1) Vamana is indicated in Mutraghata
(2) Vamana is contraindicated in mutraghata
(3) Performing vamana in mutraghata causes complete obstruction of urine
(4) Performing vamana in mutraghata causes severe pain
(A) Only (1) is correct
(B) Both (2) and (3) are correct, and (3) is the explanation for (2)
(C) Both (2) and (4) are correct and (4) is the explanation for (2)
(D) (2), (3) and (4) are correct

69. Administration of alpa matra (low dose) samsodhana oushadha in a person having bahudosha leads to the occurrence of which of the following complication?
(A) Parisrava
(B) Sthamba
(C) Upadrava
(D) Klama

70. Which of the following is not a complication of Yapana vasti?
(A) Athisara
(B) Jwaram
(C) Parisravam
(D) Pandu

71. The given features are correct in which of the following condition :
(i) Sieve like appearance
(ii) Infective gangrene of subcutaneous tissue
(iii) Results in characteristic induration after healing
(iv) Staphylococcal infection is the most common cause
(A) Cellulitis
(B) Carbuncle
(C) Hidradenitis suppurativa
(D) None of the above

72. Which of the following statement is/are not true in case of burns?
(i) Pin prick test is negative in full thickness burn
(ii) Pin prick test is negative in partial thickness burn
(iii) Focal ischemia resulting in duodenal mucosal changes is a complication
(iv) As per rule of nines, in a child of 5 years, head, face and neck represent 1% of body surface
(A) Both (ii) and (iv)
(B) Both (i) and (iii)
(C) Only (i)
(D) Only (iii)

73. Which of the following statement is/are not true regarding wound healing?
(i) Wound contraction starts after lag period
(ii) Wound contraction is more on face of young patients
(iii) The tensile strength of the wound depends on the amount of collagen present
(iv) Proliferation and migration of the marginal basal cells lying close to the wound margin is called cicatrization
(A) Only (iii)
(B) Both (i) and (iii)
(C) Only (ii)
(D) Both (ii) and (iv)

74. Which of the following statement is/are true in case of apalapa marma?
(i) Uromarma, Soumya and agneya, one angula in Pramana
(ii) Siramarma, Soumya, kalanthara pranahara
(iii) Turns fatal in 15 days or 1 month, half angula in pramana, located in flanks
(iv) Uromarma, vykalyakara, snayumarma
(A) Only (iv)
(B) Only (iii)
(C) Only (ii)
(D) Both (i) and (iv)
Question Cancelled

75. Which of the following statement is/are true in case of cold abscess?
(i) Causative organism is staphylococcus aureus
(ii) Hilton’s method is used for drainage
(iii) Brawny induration is characteristic
(iv) Painful abscess
(A) Only (iv)
(B) Both (iii) and (iv)
(C) Only (ii)
(D) None of the above

76. Which of the following statement is/are true regarding rakta moksha?
(i) Satadoutha ghrita application is indicated in Samyak yoga of jalukavacharana
(ii) Satadoutha ghrita application is indicated in atiyoga of prachanana
(iii) Dahana karma is contra indicated in bleeding as it vitiates pitta-rakta
(iv) Gomayachurna virukshana is indicated in sira vyadha vyapat
(A) Both (ii) and (iv)
(B) Only (iii)
(C) Only (i)
(D) All of the above

77. Which of the following statement is/are incorrect in case of asmari?
(i) Jwara is not a purvarupa
(ii) Pandu gatrata is a lakshana of mutra sarkara
(iii) Bhinnavasti caused due to extraction of asmari is curable
(iv) Loss of libido is not a complication of sastrakarma in asmari
(A) Only (ii)
(B) Both (ii) and (iii)
(C) Both (i) and (iv)
(D) All of the above
Question Cancelled

78. Which of the following statement is/are true regarding sadyovrana?
(i) Sita uchwasa is not an asadya lakshana of koshtagata salya
(ii) Bhagna vidhi is contraindicated in pichita vrana
(iii) Sadyovrana chikitsa should be continued for a period of one paksha in case of chinna vrana
(iv) Patient having prishta vrana is advised to lie down in uttana posture
(A) Only (iii)
(B) Only (iv)
(C) Both (i) and (ii)
(D) Both (ii) and (iii)

79. Which of the following statement is/are true in case of hernia?
(i) Femoral hernia is not a type of external abdominal hernia
(ii) Patient does not complain of pain in case of obstructed hernia
(iii) Get above the swelling is the test to differentiate direct hernia from indirect hernia
(iv) Shouldice repair is the surgical procedure done in case of incisional hernia
(A) Both (i) and (iii)
(B) Both (i) and (iv)
(C) Only (ii)
(D) None of the above

80. Which one of the following statement is /are correct regarding guggulupanchapala choornam?
(i) Guggulupanchapala choornam is said in susruta samhita kushta chikitsa
(ii) It has to be taken with honey as anupana
(iii) Khadira Kashaya is mentioned as anupana in kushta
(iv) It is said in the context of bhagandara prathisheda in ashtanga hridaya
(A) Only (i)
(B) Both (i) and (iii)
(C) Both (iii) and (iv)
(D) Both (ii) and (iv)

81. According to Acharya Vagbhata, Mahaniladi gutika is indicated in which one of the following disease :
(A) Akshipakatyaya
(B) Abhysyandha
(C) Savrana Sukla
(D) Shudda shukra

82. Which one of the following is Bhedya sadhya netra roga?
(A) Krimigranthi
(B) Parvani
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Bahala Varthma

83. Which one of the following is Dantamoolagata roga?
(A) Dantavestaka
(B) Vardhana
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Question Cancelled

84. According to Acharya Sushruta ‘Amalakasthi matra’ is referred to describe one of the following :
(A) Ekavranda
(B) Kantashalooka
(C) Gilayu
(D) None of the above

85. According to Acharya Vagbhata, which one of the following is Yaapya roga :
(A) Kuchikarnaka
(B) Tantrika
(C) Karna pippali
(D) All of the above

86. According to Acharya Sushruta which one of the following is Asadhya roga :
(A) Swaraghna
(B) Valaya
(C) Mamsatana
(D) All of the above

87. According to Acharya Sushrutha, Ashwathapatrakhalla taila is indicated in which of the following disease :
(A) Ardhavabhedaka
(B) Dushtapratishyaya
(C) Karnashoola
(D) Nasa arshas

88. According to Acharya Sushruta in which of the following disease “Yakruthpindopamam” lakshana is seen :
(A) Vataja Adhimantha
(B) Pittaja Adhimantha
(C) Hathadimantha
(D) Raktaja Adhimantha

89. According to Acharya Sushruta, Swara upaghata is a lakshana found in which of the following disease :
(A) Vataja Adhimantha
(B) Vataja Pratishyaya
(C) Pittaja Pratishyaya
(D) Talupaka

90. According to Acharya Sushruta total number of Yaapya netra rogas are :
(A) 07
(B) 06
(C) 09
(D) 08

91. Which of the following statement is/are true about Soothika paricharya?
1. Care like that of foetus
2. Kwathitha seetha thoya panam
3. Balathyla abhyangam
4. Care is like that of pregnant lady
5. Jangala mamsa rasa seva
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 3, 4 and 5
(C) 2, 3 and 5
(D) All statements are true

92. Read the following statements and choose the wrong statement about Rajaswala / menstruating women :
(A) Mridu swedana is contra indicated
(B) Kshara is contra indicated
(C) Nasya is contra indicated
(D) Vamana is contra indicated

93. Dysmenorrhoea, Dyspareunia, Deep seated pelvic pain are classic triad of symptoms and main clinical presentations are pain and infertility in :
(A) Pelvic Inflammatory diseases
(B) Endometriosis
(C) Abnormal uterine bleeding
(D) Polycystic diseases

94. Which of the following treatment procedures are incorrect about Raktha gulma?
(A) Sira vedham
(B) Ksharavasthi
(C) Malsyapitha bhavitha pichudharanam
(D) None of the above

95. What is the height of fundus of uterus at the end of 2nd week of postpartum?
(A) 24 weeks
(B) 18 weeks
(C) 16 weeks
(D) 12 weeks

96. Which one of the following vaccines is not given at birth?
(C) Hep B

97. All the following are features of obstructed labor except :
(A) Tonic contracted uterus
(B) Bandl’s ring
(C) Unruptured membranes
(D) None of the above

98. According to Ashtanga Hridaya Untreated Yonirogas can lead to diseases except :
(A) Arbudam
(B) Asrugdharam
(C) Gulmam
(D) Arsas

99. According to Kasyapa which one is contra indicated in Heart burn in pregnancy (Garbha avasthayam garbhadaham) :
(A) Yusha
(B) Gulodakam
(C) Ushnodakam
(D) Ksheeram

100. Which one of the following is given as preenana modaka for bala :
(A) Priyala majjadi
(B) Dhatakipushpadi
(C) Balavilwadi
(D) All of the above

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