World's Largest and Longest Rivers

Longest rivers in the world 

  1. Nile River: The longest river in the world
  2. Amazon River: Second longest and the largest by water flow
  3. Yangtze River (Chang Jiang): The longest river in Asia
  4. Mississippi-Missouri
  5. Yenisei

Largest Volume of Rivers

  1.  Amazone
  2. Zaire

Longest Rivers

  • Longest River of Asia: Yangtze River (Chang Jiang)
  • Longest River of N. America: Mississipi-Missouri
  • Longest River of Europe: Danube
  • Longest River of S. America: Amazon
  • Longest River of Australia: Murray Parling
  • Longest River of Africa: Nile
  • Longest River of SE Asia: Mckong
  • Longest River of SW Asia: Euphrates
  • Longest River of Russia: Ob-Irtysh
  • Longest River of India: Ganga

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