Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) Selection Process

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Phases 01 : Preliminary Examination

Preliminary Examination is scheduled to be conducted in February 2020. Date of examination will be published later. Preliminary test will be a screening test only.

Click here for detailed Syllabus

Paper I: General Studies
Mark : 100
Mode of Exam: Objective Multiple Choice
Medium: English
Duration: 90 Minutes

Paper IIDuration: 90 Minutes
  • Part I : General Studies
    Mark: 50
  • Part II
    • Language Proficiency Malayalam/ Tamil/ Kannada
      Mark: 30
    • Language Proficiency English
      Mark: 20
  • Note:1:- As the Ist phase of selection a provisional probability list will be published by including the candidates who have secured top marks in the preliminary examination. The number of candidates to be included in the provisional list will be decided by the Commission based on the number of vacancies available and by including sufficient number of candidates as per rules, from the reservation communities so as to ensure the adequate representation of various reservation communities.
  • Note:2:- The candidates included in the provisional list should upload the originals of all the relevant documents to prove their age, educational qualifications, community, service, disability and other claims made in the application and medical certificate within the date prescribed by the Commission.
  • Note:3:- Providing questions in Malayalam language along with objective multiple choice questions in English will be considered after taking a decision by the Government on the report of the Committee constituted to find out the corresponding Malayalam words for Technical terms.
The marks obtained in the preliminary examination by the candidate will not be considered for ranking.

Certificate Verification

The candidates included in the provisional list of preliminary examination should be attended for verification of their original documents at the date, time & place prescribed by the Commission.

A list for main examination including those candidates who have attended the verification and proved their qualifications will be published. Only the candidates included in this list will be considered for the main examination. The applications of candidates who have not attended for verification and not proved their qualifications and other claims within the stipulated time will be rejected. Further chance will not be given under any circumstances.

Phases 02 : Main Examination

Main examination will be a descriptive type examination containing 3 papers of 100 marks each and 2 hours duration. The date of main examination will be published with the aforesaid list.

Questions of Main examination will be provided in English. Answers can be written either in English or in Official Language ie. in Malayalam. 

Descriptive Examination
Paper I : Mark - 100,  2hours
Paper II :  Mark - 100,  2hours
Paper III:  Mark - 100,  2hours

Phases 03 :  INTERVIEW

The maximum marks for interview is fixed as 50 marks. Marks of Main examination and interview will be considered for ranking.


 Every person appointed to KAS (Junior Time Scale) shall from the date on which he/she joins duty be on probation for a total period of 2 years on duty with in a continuous period of 3 years inclusive of the period of training.


Every person appointed to KAS (Junior Time Scale) shall under go training for a period of 18 months.

Departmental Examination

For the successful completion of probation to the officers appointed as KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee who have not studied Malayalam language in the metric level should pass a Malayalam proficiency test along with other departmental tests.

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