Facts about India Previous Questions - Part 9

>>Which part of the Indian constitution deals with fundamental rights ?
Ans: Part III

>>Which article of the Indian constitution deals with constitution amendments ?
Ans: Article 368

>>Article 60 of our constitution deals with :
Ans: President

>>Judicial Review of our Constitution is adopted from :
Ans: United States

>>Which one of the following is not a basic features of the Indian Constitution ?
Ans: Presidential form of Government

>>The number of Fundamental Rights Constitution originally consists of :
Ans: 7

>>Which Amendment Act is known as Mini Constitution ?
Ans: 42nd

>>Which among the following right cannot be suspended during the time of National Emergency ?
Ans: Right to Life

>>Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the Minorities to establish and administer Educational Institutions according to their own choice ?
Ans: Article 30

>>The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the centre and the states falls under its
Ans: Original Jurisdiction

>>The resolution for removing the Vice President of India can be moved in the
Ans: Rajya Sabha alone

>>What is the time limit to get information under RTI Act 2005 ?
Ans: 30 Days

>>In which year the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act was passed in India ?
Ans: 2005

>>The Environment (Protection) Bill was passed by the Parliament of India in
Ans: 1986

>>In India child labour is defined as working child in the age group of_____ years and below.
Ans: 14

>>The Article in the Constitution which gives the Primary Education in Mother Tongue
Ans: Article 350(A)

>>On whose recommendation was the Constituent Assembly formed ?
Ans: Cabinet Mission plan,1946

>>The Directive Principles of State Policy encoded in Indian Constitution was borrowed from _____ Constitution.
Ans: Irish

>>Article-23 of Indian Constitution refers to
Ans: prohibition of forced labour

>>Indian Constitution was amended for the first time in
Ans: 1951

>>The President of India gives resignation to _________.
Ans: Vice President

>>According to the Constitution of India, maximum number of members in a State Legislative Assembly :
Ans: 500

>>The authority to appoint Supreme Court Judges in India
Ans: President

>>Indian Parliament passed the Right to Education Act on :
Ans: August 4, 2009

>>From which country India adopted the Five year plans
Ans: Russia

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